13 - 11 - 2018
Forbes per We RAD

Lo scorso 1° Ottobre, una mail ci ha notificato la scaletta delle domande a cui avremmo dovuto rispondere.
Le domande proposte dalla giornalista ci hanno portato ad un’attenta analisi
del nostro percorso come azienda. L’analisi ha portato a sua volta alla consapevolezza.
Sapete ormai quanto ci piaccia condividere i nostri processi lavorativi;
ecco quindi ancora una volta il racconto di come le risposte hanno preso vita
e di come un mese dopo siamo finiti su Forbes.
La questione della lingua
Le domande sono arrivate in francese.
Le abbiamo quindi tradotte in italiano rispolverando anni di Proust e di compiti sui verbi.
• Ok, domande tradotte.
Esempio di domanda: “Quali principali evoluzioni noti oggi per quanto riguarda le esigenze di comunicazione delle imprese? Come si differenziano in base alle dimensioni dell’impresa?
• Difficile.
Significa fare una sintesi logica delle strutture aziendali dei nostri ultimi Clienti, dei loro reparti, e di come hanno svolto il processo lavorativo insieme alla nostra Agenzia.
Scriviamo in italiano, ma in italiano ci perdiamo.
Troppe parole, un sacco di discorsi – che poi alla fine si potrebbe riassumere tutto in un paragrafo.
Per fortuna c’è in azienda chi ci insegna a sostenere le interviste.
Il motto: “Straight to the answer, than elaborate”.
Dopo aver fatto brainstorming di risposte (in italiano) su un Google Doc capiamo che siamo bravi a elaborare ma non a dare risposte. Ok, non funziona.
Straight to the answer, than elaborate.
• Meglio sintetizzare.
• Traduciamo in Inglese.
• Non funziona.
• Ok, da capo. In inglese.
Va bene adesso funziona, abbiamo capito chi siamo e quindi come rispondere alle domande,
abbiamo tradotto in inglese e corretto gli errori.
• Si manda?
• No, Skype call.
• Ah perfetto, ma in francese?
• No, in inglese, con la giornalista Belinda Kunz che è francese (forse).
L’articolo di Forbes
Per prepararci a questa intervista, le risposte impeccabili date alle 10 domande si sono trasformate in una piacevole chiacchierata con Belinda sui nostri interessi e obiettivi, che infine lei stessa ha sintetizzato. In francese.
La scrittura originale che riportiamo e che vorremmo si tramandasse, è però quella inglese
(che si sa, lo sanno tutti).
Forbes Interview Q&A
Florence – 10/11/2018
How did RAD start? What experience or observation led to RAD?
RAD which means radical, was born from a radical need. We were a group of freelancers working under the same name. Luckily we were called to participate in a big tender that we lost. Our proposal was the most creative, but our company wasn’t structured enough.
By losing the tender, we understood the need for a Client to work with a creative agency that also has a solid organization chart.
We understood that Structured means reliable.
Creative means crazy in some way and, as you know,
crazy minds brake young.
What special angle makes RAD different from other agencies?
What are the key-strengths and skills of RAD?
We can say that our skills or “super powers” are: sensitivity and analytical capacity Turning strategies into creative contents making the customer a part of the creative process. Always ready to evolve. If I can elaborate (notare che questo è il momento dell’elaborazione) for a second, i would like to explain our workflow within 3 steps.
When you are sensitive, you are aware of what happen around you.
To communicate is to understand society needs and find an easy way to meet them. To communicate with people, you have to understand the human being.
When a Client comes with his needs, first of all we try to understand where the need comes from.
01 – This is the first step: Analysis of the Client and of its market.
Problems and Client are always different but their need is always the same:
How can I sell more?Selling is an activity that requires confidence. To be confident means to be aware of who you are, and what you can give to the customer in exchange for money.
You can provide a good product, which sells itself (at least until the 70’s it used to)
You can provide trust
You can provide a dream…
We are able to help the Client find strategies which will create engagement, and gain confidence which will turn into money. We develop the strategy together with the Client. The Client has to be confident with the strategy and wear it as a suit. Clients are, for us, part of the process and we always grow together and learn from them. That’s why there is a “WE” behind the word “RAD”.WE RAD. We – all together – are part of the process. And We, together, decide what to do.
02 – This can be called the second step: Strategy
When we have understood the Client, its market, and developed a taylormade strategy, we move to the
03 – third step. Creating contents.
If we are good enough at the first, second and third step
the Client becomes confident. Which means we have gained respect and reliability. Now we can explore the magic of creativity. We can propose everything we want turning the strategy into:
– identity
– character design
– motion graphic
– video
– websites
– apps
– illustration
– printed magazines
– testimonial scouting
– advertising
– photo shooting
– icons
– books
– projection mapping
or whatever the Client can afford.
If you are reliable, you become indispensable.
What main evolutions do you notice today as to the communication needs
of entreprises?
Most of our Clients have a communication department in their companies. This shows that they understand the importance of reaching out through communication. Today we are all under the pressure and the influence of the media which leads us to the need of being part of it. Despite the most relevant professional figures in businesses have an instagram profile, they don’t fully understand the professional skills you need to have, in order to make an effective use of communication in general.
How do they differ according to the size of the enterprise?
Small companies understand the need of having an effective communication together with a good product. These are StartUps which usually include communication costs in their business plan. Medium size companies have been on the market for a long time and base their business only on the quality of their product or service. They both underrate and fear communication, thinking that advertising is misleading. This is just a cultural heritage. We help them trust in the natural evolution of communication and understand the they need to evolve if they want to survive in the market. Big Companies choose The Agency based on its reputation that is often achieved through reliability.
What kind of enterprises do you address with RAD? Would you say that it should have a certain size? How big does one already need to be to start a successful communication strategy?
We work with small and medium size companies. We can say that the starting point is when a company is born.
All companies should start their business with a communication strategy in mind.Communication is part of the strategy. If you provide products or services, you need people to know about it. That’s what communication does. It communicates to the others what you do best. To start a successful strategy you don’t need to be a big company. You need to know your business and what you really want to tell about it. Companies need to be focused on their strength and weakness points, to know their DNA and be ready to evolve without losing their identity. We invest the 20% of our annual profit in communication.
What do you love most about RAD and about your job?
What I love about RAD is the strategy of selling services as if they were products. I love the team. I love to question our services and make them better and better every day. I love our ability to distance ourselves from our creations,
so that we can always have an objective point of view and find possible improvements that will benefit our Clients.
I love to learn something new every day. I love to improve company businesses and grow up with them.
Are there some specific projects that you would like us to enhance?
We would like to work with big companies. We would like you to enhance our reliability based on this interview and spread our point of view.
We are ready, once again, to evolve.
- Strategy
- Branding
- Digital
- Content
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