Random Identities
non-binary fashion

Random Identities <br/>non-binary fashion - WE RAD

When we look at 21st-century fashion, we no longer see gendered clothing, but a single mutable and inclusive identity, the “genderfluid identity”. Stefano Pilati, founder of the 'Random Identities' brand, is at the forefront of promoting genderfluid fashion. Such values called for an agency that was in line with these principles.

eCommerce development
Technical analysis for eCommerce launch

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Non-binary fashion: Stefano Pilati's brand - WE RAD

Non-binary fashion: Stefano Pilati's brand

WE RAD welcomes this dimension, embracing the new ways and forms of expression that characterize the younger generations.

Stefano Pilati's idea translates into a brand that focuses on people, avoiding all canons and definitions. This concept prompted WE RAD to design and develop a platform that graphically respects the “non-membership nature” of the brand. From the combination of B&W to Random Identities, the concept of essentiality is a key element of the website. Clean and colorless pages where the font gently guides the eye, making the surfing experience both explicit and discreet.

Among other things, the agency took care of the logistics of the sales service. It also streamlined and simplified the checkout operations, and re-desiged the ancillary automations, such as stock management, shipping and returns.

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The eCommerce that will be built around these key values, which guide the end-user and their experience, will play a key role in the vast and crowded digital landscape, which WE RAD welcomes and embraces.

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