
Branding - Digital - Content
Coquinarius - WE RAD

An immersive gastronomic experience from design to table.


Art Direction
UX & U
Website Design
Web Development

Coquinarius tells the story of its land through food.
From the raw materials to the menu, Coquinarius has the flavour of a new tradition told by immersing oneself in the atmosphere of the bistro and wine cellar.

The Restyling

To coordinate the values of the Coquinarius identity on the communication media, we started with the restyling of the logo and the iconic crossing of the O with the Q. 

The colour palette was defined by the context in which the restaurant is set: the red of the marbles of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and the wine, the green of the Tuscan hills that frame the panorama of the bistro.

Immagine IdentityImmagine Identity

The Project

The goal of the project is to immerse the user in the Coquinarius world: sounds, smells, and landscapes typical of the restaurant menu are proposed in the form of navigational effects. 

The site's interactions and stylistic choices guide the user in finding the location through splash page "windows," a smooth descriptive scrollytelling for a unique immersive experience consistent with the brand's values.

A digital immersive narrative has been designed. It is displayed on web pages but conceived like a video, with storyboards and animated prototypes, to fully express each concept without compromising on special effects and interactions.

The Experience

The website is meticulously constructed to describe the world of Coquinarius through UI tricks such as immersive scrolling or scrollytelling, vignetting, and custom-designed animations that guide the internal gallery of the two locations. 

The aim is to make the user's navigation more and more personal and enjoyable, combining the navigation path with the gastronomic one.

Discover how we dared also withAQUAZZURA
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  • Strategy
  • Branding
  • Digital
  • Content

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