26 - 08 - 2019
We RAD at TEDxEmpoli - SenzEgo

What is a Florence-based communications agency doing at TEDx?
And what do ego and communication have in common? A lot...
But the first question we ask is: do you know what a TEDx event is?
Perhaps you have already heard of TED Talks... And if you don't, it's because you have forgotten! Surely you have already come across some video of a TED event on youtube.
For those who don't know, TEDx is an extension of TED, an organisation dedicated to spreading innovative ideas worldwide. These are ideas worth sharing - as the official motto goes. Its TED Talks have hundreds of millions of views and the best minds of our time have given talks on the stages of this event.
Universally renowned thinkers have inspired millions by sharing their worldview in 15-minute speeches. Among the many, here is a short selection of what We RAD considers to be some of the best TED Talks of all time.
Simon Sinek - How great leaders inspire action
Tony Robbins - Why we do what we do
Bill Gates - Innovating to zero
Peter Gabriel - Fighting injustice with a video camera
Julian Assange - Why the world needs WikiLeaks
J.J. Abrams - The Mystery Box
Richard Branson - Life at 30,000 feet
Stephen Hawking - Questioning the universe
Al Gore - The case for optimism on climate change
Bono - The good news on poverty
TEDx are independent events organised under the TED licence by local promoters and coordinators whose mission is to share the brand's philosophy and spread valuable ideas by hosting the world's best thinkers to express their vision in thematically different conferences organised in different cities.
Senzego: the absence of ego is the theme that will be addressed in Empoli by 10 speakers of national fame and beyond. As the official TEDxEmpoli website quotes:
"In an age in which man has won his challenge with nature - which lasted millennia - and in which civilisation is at the height of its capabilities, in which the yoke of hunger, disease, cold and heat no longer represent the obstacles we have to face every day, the only question that remains to be asked is: if it is no longer to the outside world that we must turn for exploration, where is it necessary to look to satisfy our desire to discover, the same one that has guided us so far?"
The philosophy of We RAD finds much of itself in this concept. We believe so much in this event and were so inspired by it that we absolutely wanted to become the main sponsor. Because we absolutely agree: in communication, ego is the worst of evils.
We encounter this on a daily basis in our work as a communications agency. Florence is a wonderful city, but it is not free of the flaws that vanity and stubbornness bring with them. And this does no one any favours; on the contrary, it hinders pleasant and healthy collaboration.
That is why we have developed
the ego annihilator, in favour of open, honest collaboration free of any egocentric barriers. An innovative product that will revolutionise the way we communicate and collaborate in the corporate and professional world.
Brando is the facilitator between the communication agency and the client. A supervisor of work - an Umareel of graphics
We believe in sharing and collaboration and that the privatisation of files in this age is only a limitation of the evolutionary trend.
Brando invites you to start your day at TEDxEmpoli with some pills that make you lose your ego.
What has been the limit to evolution? The continuous competition between members of the same species. Have we reached the upper limit of evolution? Has our DNA already expressed the full potential of our genes? And has your brand already expressed its full potential? We think not. There is a new evolutionary line. There is Brando
Now you know what he does, but we will only reveal what he is on 7 September in Empoli...
Save the date!
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