27 - 12 - 2016
The importance of black and white

Seeing in black and white
There are some animals that need to camouflage themselves in their surroundings. These animals only see shades of black and white and are able to mimic their surroundings to hide from predators.
We are not on Focus you are right, but the parallelism with octopuses and cuttlefish comes to me automatically. We often use black and white to be as neutral as possible, to remain impartial in the eyes of the crowd who will see us as perfect and impeccable in our neutral and detached tones. We feel much more comfortable dressed in black, we are not strange, we don't feel wrong, we are part of the crowd.
Opposites attract
Are black and white colours?
If you were to ask a scientist we would get an answer based on physics that 'Black is not a colour, white is a colour'. If you were to ask an artist or a child, they will tell you that 'Black is a colour, white is not'. In terms of light frequencies, white is the presence of all colours and is therefore a colour. Black, on the other hand, is the complete absence of colour. In terms of pigments, on the other hand, white is the complete absence of any colour while black is the sum of all of them.
Although black and white are the most commonly used colours, it is easy to overlook why and how they are used.
For example: why is black written on white? Why is elegance represented by black? Why are notes black? Is there black without white? The influence that black and white have is subconscious. What is empty, what is full? Black is visually heavy. Its message is strong. Black is commonly associated with power, authority and strength, lately with anonymity and elegance. In stories of good versus evil, black represents the dark side and is a symbol of the bad guys.
But we know that the nun's habit certainly does not represent evil so much as austerity. Other associations with black can be intelligence, in the form of the frame of a pair of glasses; professionalism, in the form of a suit with a briefcase.
Monochromatic Occultism
If black is the symbol of evil, white is directly connected to all that is right, good and calm. White conveys purity, salvation, contemporaneity, refinement and truth. Just think of the dresses of doctors or brides. It is said that white encourages creative thoughts and is synonymous with new beginnings. Throughout history and cultures, the consciousness of the two colours as opposites has slowly formed. The most representative example of this is found in the symbol of the Tao, where Ying and Yang face each other as equals from their positions of black and white, of good and evil. Black encloses spaces, white opens them.
Taking a stand: black or white?
Black evokes refinement, white communicates innocence. They are opposites. In fashion, black is used a lot so that the message conveyed can be serious and professional with a touch of mystery and intensity. Apple's white communication, on the other hand, emphasises their interest in cleanliness, openness and creative thinking. It is important to recognise that although culturally and visually opposed, black and white compete, but rather complement each other. It is said that opposites attract and one could say that contrast creates completion. The convergence of black and white is an example of how two divergences can communicate together more than they can individually.
Throughout 2017 our communication will be black and white. Why?
Because one of the proof tests on processed images says that 'if it works in black and white it also works in colour'. Because in realising our corporate image we set ourselves rules. These make it possible for all of us members and collaborators to carry on the same identity. Black and white today is synonymous with 'non-judged'; it serves to provide an 'empty' aesthetic that leaves room for listening and words.
We rely on experiences that theory can only partially achieve, the sensations perceived by our eyes mixed with experience always prevail. I leave you with a video
We are pure, saviourly, contemporary, refined and always tell the truth.
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