focus on the process

Beste - Benefit Company is a textile producer that includes three separate divisions: Beste, Beste Hub and Beredo. Being a Benefit Company has brought Beste closer to the values of WE RAD, a BCorp company, with which it shares the same give-back principle.
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Textile Storytelling
Objective: to tell the story of Beste's textile process connected with the presentation of the three divisions that make up the brand through the development of a dedicated website.
The focal point was to recount all the operations of the textile, from the weaving of the wefts to the fibres used, to make visually immediate what Beste is.
A narrative filled with the passion for the industry and the care and attention the brand gives to the raw element.
The visual climax is immediate

Main features: 3D and scrollytelling
For the storytelling part of the Beste section, ad hoc 3D sets and front-end animations were created to simulate the weaving of the fibers. The second division, Beste Garments, used finely-designed 3D models of an outerwear piece made by the client. By exporting PNG sequences, it was possible to reproduce a simulation in which, by scrolling, the image comes alive, building up the finished outerwear piece, frame after frame.
An articulated digital development project, where the 3D element and the animation of the front end (the undisputed protagonists of the scene) were chosen to illustrate the internal production process: from the yarn (Beste) to the creation of the garment (Beste Garments) and the recycling process (Beredo).
Scrollytelling is at the core of the entire project; by scrolling down the page, the viewers can discover the story, accessing an immersive and evocative experience. The entire website is therefore divided into three different custom-designed sections, each with its own style and forms.

One of the Client’s wishes was to present the whole team, so we decided to design a dynamic 3D section featuring all the members of the Beste Family.

- Strategy
- Branding
- Digital
- Content
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