24 - 09 - 2020
Virtual Showroom: a new proposal for B2B

The emergency situation due to the spread of the Coronavirus has turned everyone's lives upside down.
Many sectors have been affected by the effects of the pandemic, some more than others and, in particular, the retail sector. From the closure of Asian markets to European markets, it has been months of complete uncertainty.
Now that we are learning to live with Covid-19, we see how many processes that only nine months ago seemed unimaginable to us, are developing with impressive speed. Within this surreal scenario, e-commerce has become the benchmark for the B2C sector, but what can we say about B2B?
To meet the needs of buyers, wholesalers, store managers and visual managers, the winning answer was the launch of Virtual Showroom online in record time.
What is the Virtual Showroom
The Virtual Showroom is a powerful marketing tool ready to respond to many business needs, merging digital and visual technologies through the creation of different interfaces and the use of augmented reality.
A "remote" tool capable of creating empathy and excitement in those who use it, in which a new storytelling is manifested, where companies present new products in the first person, emphasise their strengths and describe the characteristics that distinguish them from the competition, establishing a bond with the user, in this case with the agents.
From necessity to opportunity
Virtual Showrooms are not a passing fad: they are a powerful new communication tool, resetting, first and foremost, the physical boundaries imposed by social distancing. But that's not all!
In a world projected towards the future, these tools offer numerous advantages beyond the Covid factor, such as increasing the visibility of a brand, and optimising customised and exclusive assistance for each customer.
Having listed all the features of virtual showrooms, the question to ask is:
Will the retail world manage the digitisation of the B2B sector as carefully and effectively as it manages B2C?
Hoping for a yes answer to the question just posed, we can summarise in several points the opportunities that the Virtual Showroom offers:
- It ensures social distancing
- Speed up the digitisation process
- Optimises sales management
- Benefits economic savings
and guarantees:
- Analytical data on sales results
- Faster product reordering
- Access from any device: desktop, tablet or smartphone
- Unlimited modular possibilities thanks to customised functionality implementations
In this scenario, as an agency, we have contributed to the realisation of some products for the clothing brands ottod'Ame and Même Road, for TNS Firenze, linked to cosmetics, and for other Italian haute couture brands.
We have created online portals, with private access intended for agents and developed in several custom-made modes, to meet the different market needs, each with its own peculiarities and focus: events, videos, e-commerce.

Fashion Virtual Showroom made by WE RAD.
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Special Project: Virtual Showroom
- Strategy
- Branding
- Digital
- Content
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