10 - 08 - 2021
Go with the flow, Awareness and team building
In business as in private life, it is the spirit of adaptation, flexibility and listening that makes the difference.
August is like December. We tend to take stock, in business as in private life - to tell each other what went well but also what we could do better. We always do this by trying to improve both from a creative and organisational point of view - to be able to live work calmly, according to the values we have set together, which represent us.
We have meetings, project assignments, excel to control the flow - but we know that scheduling has to take into account a 40% margin to handle what we try never to call 'urgencies'.

Urgency is a subjective issue.
It is not the urgency that is the problem so much as the fact that it is never asked for or handled calmly.
At WE RAD we are good with group stratagems that serve to bring complex projects to a conclusion in a short time. We don't pull all-nighters and always have time for private life at the end. At every meeting, however, we keep looking for the key to better cage the flow to reduce the margin of error - more excel, more documents, more processes.
Tenacity, determination and awareness are part of our team, needless to deny, but it is not always what is needed to achieve the goal.
Things happen even without us constantly checking - quite the contrary.

2020 as a year to be thankful
We think of 2020 with gratitude because it has educated us to dare in a new way: standing still, no wind - sails down. We learnt not to focus only on performance but on the quality of the journey. We went down into the cabin and set up processes, relationships, the engine, but also and above all the propeller - we chose to go sailing, to free the flow from the schemes.

Go with the flow
Now the boat is refitted, the course is clear and the wind has started to blow - strongly - and not always in our direction. After so much, we celebrated and wished each other to learn to stay in the flow, to live things as they come and as they will come - knowing that today we can count on a team of collaborators and customers who, however it goes, will know how to use the wind to get where they want to go.

We dare because we believe
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