Brando the management of communication

Brando connects Agency and Customer, collecting in one place all communication assets, their rules of use and their native files.

Defines, coordinates, evolves

Brando is a software as a service, a communication management that allows you to always have at hand all the tools to work on your brand identity. The first digital assistant for corporate identity management.

Brando is extremely responsible for what he does: archiving, organizing, coordinating, evolving. 

Logos, fonts, color palettes, indications for typography and information hierarchy: everything that constitutes the coordinated image of a brand organized in a single platform and always at hand, ready to be modified independently by the internal departments of the companies.


WE RAD defines visual genetics and the rules by which the brand expresses its identity, such as usage rules, information hierarchy, color palette, Tone of voice.


BRANDO coordinates the rules of use defined by WE RAD, offering the possibility to download and edit native files. All in a safe, fast and usable from any device.


The Client evolves the brand identity with BRANDO, taking advantage of the rules designed by WE RAD. Anyone who has to do with the communication of the Company, can access it to create supports always coordinated with each other.

undefined - WE RAD

  • Strategy
  • Branding
  • Digital
  • Content

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